Testing out Obsidian to make a second brain

For years I’ve used bookmarks, notes, emailing myself, Pinboard, and plain ol’ brain power to keep track of the things I find interesting or of note for being a more knowledgeable adult or for work. But it all can become difficult to keep track of everything with these disparate tools. Especially in a way to keep things that are related strung together.

And so, after sitting on considering Obsidian — after looking at Notion, sticking to a free tool but using it more strategically with Google Keep — I’ve jumped into the wild of taking notes and learning the ins and outs of making it work with the whole “linking your thinking” tool bits.


Tools I’ve used:

Google Keep (This will always be something I use as a quick note taking tool. I try to make it a habit to go in and delete or archive anything that doesn’t make sense to have immediately available anymore.) . Keep.google.com

Google Bookmarks

Pinboard . Pinboard.in

On to using:

Obsidian . Obisidian.md